Use the
General page to control the default behaviour of the Electrode Wizard:
Setup Sheets — Select this option to create a separate General Assembly sheet for each electrode created by the wizard.
Workplane — This group of options enables you to define the position and orientation of the workplane:
- Reversing Z axis also reverses — When the electrode workplane is reversed in Z, this specifies which of X or Y is also reversed.
- Create at same point as Electrode Datum — Select this option to create the workplane at the electrode datum, rather than at the bottom of the blank.
- Holder datum overrides choice of electrode datum — Deselect this option to keep the electrode datum at the designated point, even if you specify a holder.
- Use previous level — Select this option to create all electrodes on the same level as the previous electrode. Deselect it to create a new electrode on the next unused, unnamed level.
- Holder level — Select this option to create the electrode holder on the same level as the electrode. Deselect it to create the holder on the
Electrode Holders level.
Pre-defined Solids
- Automatically calculate burn vector — Select this option to automatically calculate the burn vector, and extract the electrode in the direction of the calculated vector. Deselect this option to always extract electrodes in the Z direction.
- Perform collision check — Use this option to control collision checking between pre-modelled electrodes and the part. When a collision is detected, you can twiddle the model and zoom to inspect the offending region.
General Edits: Copy/Mirror — These options enable you to control the updating of GA and Detail sheets when an electrode is copied, rotated, or mirrored using general edits.
- Update GA sheet
— Select this option to automatically update the GA sheet for electrodes that are copied, mirrored, or rotated using general editing. Deselect it not update the GA sheet.
- Generate detail sheet — Select this option to automatically update the Detail sheet for electrodes that are copied, mirrored, or rotated using general editing. Deselect it not update the Detail sheet.
- Copy Suffix — Enter a character to set the suffix that is used to name an electrode copy from the original. This is used for copies created with the electrode wizard. The default suffix is _. For example, copying an electrode named electrode_1 twice produces two electrodes named electrode_1_1 and electrode_1_2.
Mark extracted burn region on part — Select this option to shade the burn region on the part when the electrode is extracted. This is done by changing the material of the faces in the active solid, that are used to define the electrode burn region. This option is selectedby default.