To add a new point to a curve:
Parameter value — to insert a point at a specific parameter value.
For example, to add a new point half way between points 1 and 2:
For example, input a Value of 1.5. This is the parametric value half way between points 1 and 2.
The new point is added halfway between points 1 and 2. This point is numbered 2, and point 2 is renumbered to 3. Point 2 becomes the selected point:
Through nearest point — to input a point on the curve nearest a specified point. To specify the point:
Distance from point — to input a point on the curve at a specified distance from the currently selected point. If no point is selected, then point 1 is used.
For example, to add a new point 10 units from point 1, input the Distance as 10:
Workplane intersection — to insert a point where the principal plane of an active workplane intersects a point.
For example, the YZ plane of the active workplane is displayed as intersecting the curve at point 3:
The points are renumbered to reflect the change.