To work with COG

To set the COG in the 3D Model

  1. In the Analysis Ribbon, click Edit COG.
  2. In the drawing area, select one Plant 3D object (piping, structure, or equipment).
  3. Enter e (Edit).
  4. Specify a new COG location
  5. Enter n to (End).
  6. Note: You can also enter COG in the properties palette.

To create a COG snapshot

Live COG does not need to be enabled to take COG Snapshot.

  1. In the drawing area, select piping, structure, or equipment. For example, select the Connected Line Number.
  2. In the Analysis Ribbon, click COG Snapshot. The COG glyph displays in the 3D model.
  3. Hover over the COG snapshot glyph to display the rollover the tooltip.

If the COG glyph displays inside piping, you can set a wireframe or transparent visual style.