Advanced Iso Creation Options Dialog Box

Specifies advanced settings for creating Iso drawings.

Export Settings

PCF Output
Defines whether to create single pcf per iso sheet or DWG.
Export Tables on Iso Creation
Creates data files from the tables. Tables must exist in the title block to be exported.
Sets the format of the table data file (text or Microsoft Excel).

Sets the format of the table data file (text or Excel).

Ignore Break Points from Model
Ignores break point markers.
Ignore Iso Annotations from Model
Ignores Iso message and location markers.
Reverse Iso Start and End Points
Assumes the opposite flow direction for the line to reverse sheet order. Flow direction is not a property in the model. An arbitrary (but consistent) flow direction is assumed that you can reverse.
Override Default North Arrow Direction
Ignores the North arrow direction specified in the title block.

Drawing Congestion Splitting

Level of Congestion to Split Iso at
Specifies a preference for the number of objects allowed in an Iso drawing sheet compared to the number of sheets generated. Setting a High congestion level will result in fewer sheets, with more objects on each sheet.
The Maximum setting will force the iso onto one sheet if possible (this replaces the Force Iso onto One Sheet option from earlier versions).

Override Iso Splitting

Split Iso when Property Changes
Changes sheets when any of the specified model property values change.

Override Location

Adds X , Y and Z values to objects in the isometric drawing. You can enter negative values (for example: -10000).
Rotates objects in the isometric drawing. You can enter negative values (for example: -90). Offset rotation is calculated before offset location.