In the Open file dialog box, click a spec file (for example:
C:\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 Content\Specs\CS300.pspx).
Click Open.
The spec file opens and displays a spec sheet.
To create a spec file
In File menu, click New Create Spec.
In the Create Spec dialog box, under Spec Name, click the [...] button and browse to the folder where you want to save the spec file. Append a file name for the spec file to the folder path (for example:
C:\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 Content\Specs\New_Spec.pspx).
In the Spec Description box, enter a description.
Optional. In the Load Catalog list, click a default catalog to load with the spec file (for example:ASME Pipes and Fittings Catalog.pcat).
Click Create.
To create a spec file from an existing spec file
In the Spec Editor, on the File menu, click New Create Spec From Existing Spec.
Under Source Spec Name, click the [...] button. In the Open dialog box, do one of the following:
Browse to the existing spec file you want to duplicate.
In the File Name box, enter the path to the file (for example:
C:\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 Content\Specs\CS300.pspx).
Under New Spec Name, enter a name for the file.
Under Spec Description, enter a description.
Click Create.
Note: You cannot use File Explorer to rename spec files. The PSPX is a package file that contains a named reference to the PSPC.