When you open the Label Manager for the first time, it has no entries.
To save a label to the database:
If the Label Manager already has groups, you can select a group to which you can add your labels. If you do not select a group, a new group is created. Note: You can only select one group. Selection in the right and left panels is carried out independently to avoid losing a bar selection when choosing a target group or while editing its name.
To copy labels from the database to the current project, select the labels from the left panel. You can select any number of groups or labels after expanding the contents of the group. Click > to move the labels to the right panel.
While copying to the database or to a project, Robot checks whether labels with the identical names as those selected for copying, already exist. If a label with the same name already exists, Robot checks its contents. If the contents of the label to be copied is identical to the contents of the existing label, then the label is not copied.