Beam and slab materials - settings:
- Use Materials from RSA.
Uses material from an element selected in Robot.
- Specify Material for All Beams.
Specifies steel used for all beams. You can select:
- Steel from a database. It displays values of steel strength (Fy) and Young's modulus (Es) for this steel. You cannot modify them.
- Custom, for user-defined steel. It displays default values of steel strength (Fy) and Young's modulus (Es). You can modify them.
- Steel Cost ($/ton).
Estimated cost of steel, used in cost calculation and optimization.
- Concrete Cost.
Estimated cost of concrete, used in cost calculation and optimization.
- Wet Weight Factor.
Multiplier used on concrete weight during construction.
- Ponding Load.
Superimposed concrete dead load above self-weight.