Use this dialog to define the sign of the generated combination in the case of a seismic or spectral analysis.
- Access
- Click
(Analysis Parameters) in the standard toolbar, and then go to the Combination sign tab.
- Click Analysis
Analysis Types, and then go to the Combination sign tab.
- Case
- Specifies the number of a seismic or spectral analysis load case.
- Main mode
- Enter the number of the main mode for determining the sign of the given combination.
- Set
- Assigns the selected mode to the seismic or spectral load case.
- Combination table
- Specifies the case number, case name and the main mode for the combination.
Note: The sign of the results for the selected mode will be used for the entire combination. If the main mode is set to 0, then the combination sign will be calculated from the CQC or SRSS combinations formula.
- Default type of seismic calculations
- Select the formula to apply for the seismic combination.
- CQC - Complete Quadratic Combination
- SRSS - Square Root of Sums of Squares
- 10% - 10% double sum
- 2SM - double sum.