Cracking of Plates and Shells - Calculations

The width of cracking is calculated independently for two directions. They are defined by axes of reinforcement and analogous to the simplified methods presented in relevant studies. Implementation of the method not related to codes results from lack of relevant recommendations concerning plates with cross reinforcement.

The algorithm of calculations is based on the formulas enabling calculation of cracking width for beam elements. Calculations are carried out on the cross-section with reinforcement resulting from the Ultimate Limit State (see: Reinforcement of plates and shells - calculations). Moments recognized in calculations of Serviceability Limit State are equivalent moments calculated according to the selected calculation method: analytical, NEN or Wood&Armer. The analytical method for Serviceability Limit State does not recognize actions of mxy moments. Due to the implementation of NEN or Wood&Armer method, one may recognize the mxy moments in calculations by increasing the moments mxx and myy. The Wood&Armer method is recommended for calculations of plates with cross reinforcement among others by EN1992-1-1:2004 AC:2008 [Annex F (Informative) Reinforcement expressions for in-plane stress conditions].

The calculated cracking width value which is presented in the table of results is the maximum value obtained from all the analyzed load cases.

When Reinforcement adjustment is selected for calculations, the area of reinforcement undergoing tension increases, reducing the cracking width. when it is not possible to fulfill the user defined condition of the maximum cracking width, the table of results will highlight the result cell in red. There are no non-code limits set on the reinforcement ratio, so you should pay attention to the economic aspect of the solution provided.