The following image shows the number 1 member trim operation by using number 2 and 3 members. Point A denotes the cut point of number 1 and 2 members (0.3 value denotes a relative coordinate of the member cut point along the member number 1), and point B denotes the cut point of the members number 1 and 3 (0.7 value denotes a relative coordinate of the member cut point along the member number 1).
In the Trim dialog the following parameters are specified:
Which part of the member number 1 is trimmed depends on the selection of the point coordinate on the trimmed part of the member.
In the Relative Coordinate of the trim object part field, the value from the (0, 0.3) interval 0.1 is entered. The trim operation result is shown as follows:
In the Relative Coordinate of the trim object part field, the value from the (0.3, 0.7) interval 0.5 is entered. The trim operation result is shown as follows:
In the Relative Coordinate of the trim object part field, the value from the (0.7, 1.0) interval 0.9 is entered. The trim operation result is shown as follows: