Returns information concerning a material.
The RSA_MATERIAL_DATA formula syntax has the following arguments:
The following types of information are available:
timber category (0 - default, 1 - I, 2 - II, 3 - III; parameter for timber according to CB71)
initial (assembly) humidity (for timber design according to CB71)
timber nature (1 - nonresinous, 0 - resinous; parameter for timber according to CB71)
shrinkage - given as percentage (data specific to timber design according to CB71)
reduction factor for the limit of elasticity (shear) / burning velocity in mm/min. (for timber according to CB71)
default material
damping coefficient
Young's modulus / modulus of axial elasticity for timber
5% modulus of axial elasticity - E 0.05 (for timber design according to EC 5)
shear modulus (G) (for timber design according to EC 5)
modulus of transversal elasticity E 90, mean (data specific to timber design according to Eurocode5)
average modulus G / EC5
shear modulus G
thermal expansion coefficient
Material name
Poisson ratio
additional short material description (contents of the DESCRIPTION column in the material database)
shear modulus (G) (for timber design according to PN)
additional parameter (for timber design according to PN)
modulus of transversal elasticity (for timber design according to PN)
design resistance
axial compression resistance (for timber) / EC5
axial tension resistance (for timber) / EC5
flexural resistance (for timber) / EC5
shear resistance (for timber) / EC5
transversal compression resistance (for timber) / EC5
transversal tension resistance (for timber) / EC5
unit weight
limit tension resistance
Second material name (used for steel so that it is possible to specify the equivalent according to Eurocode); contents of the SECOND_NAME column in the material database
thermal processing indicator (1- processing, 0 - no processing)
material type for timber (for example, natural - 0, glued - 1)
material type (specifies a numerical designation of the material, for example, the number 1 denotes STEEL)
The following input methods are available:
Open the RSA_FORMULAS.rtd and RSA_FORMULAS.xlsx files to get a better understanding of the example below.
RSA_MATERIAL_DATA("DUMPCOEF",H23) - specifies a value of the damping coefficient for the material determined in the cell H23