Building Soils - Calculator

The soil calculator finds the value of equivalent elastic coefficient for a layered soil.

The calculator is installed during the installation of Robot.

Elastic coefficient may be applied while defining the following.

The calculator allows computation of the elastic coefficient directly on the basis of a defined profile of a layered soil and offers the following functions.

The calculator operates as an independent tool which enables calculation of the ground reaction coefficient for a defined foundation and soil profile. A saved soil profile may be used in the RC calculator and the continuous footing calculator.

Launch the calculator by doing the following.

In the calculator, the K coefficient is calculated based on the value of average stresses under the foundation for an area unit. The equivalent KZ coefficient for a foundation with specified dimensions is also computed.

To compute the equivalent K coefficient for a layered soil, do the following.

Press Tab key or click OK. A value of the equivalent coefficient for a layered soil will be specified in the K = field.

Clicking OK causes a computed value of the KZ coefficient to be forwarded to the New support definition, New elastic ground or New thickness definition dialogs. This is provided that the relevant dialog is open and the elastic coefficient field is accessible.

Note: The K coefficient value may be forwarded only to the KY, KZ fields in the dialog mentioned. Elastic coefficient values should be passed to the appropriate dialog, depending on the selected foundation type.

Defined soil profiles can be saved on the disk. Click Save as to save a profile to a *.xml (database) file. The File name field displays the current soil profile with a file access path. Click Open to read a file with defined soil profile parameters.

See also:

Adopted assumptions

Description of the Algorithm of Calculating the Value of the K Equivalent Coefficient


List of Available Soil Parameters