Returns information concerning a selected support.
The RSA_SUPPORT_DATA formula syntax has the following arguments:
The following types of information are available:
rotation angle of a support about Z axis
damping coefficient AX
damping coefficient AY
damping coefficient AZ
rotation angle of a support about Y axis
damping coefficient BX
damping coefficient BY
damping coefficient BZ
rotation angle of a support about X axis
fixed support in the local / global system
elastic coefficient HX
elastic coefficient HY
elastic coefficient HZ
elastic coefficient KX
elastic coefficient KY
elastic coefficient KZ
linear support (linear distribution)
non-linear support
fixed direction RX (0 - released, 1 - fixed)
fixed direction RY (0 - released, 1 - fixed)
fixed direction RZ (0 - released, 1 - fixed)
linear support (surface distribution)
fixed direction UX (0 - released, 1 - fixed)
fixed direction UY (0 - released, 1 - fixed)
fixed direction UZ (0 - released, 1 - fixed)
The following input methods are available:
Open the RSA_FORMULAS.rtd and RSA_FORMULAS.xlsx files to get a better understanding of the example below.
RSA_SUPPORT_DATA("UZ",H26) - determines if for the support with the name determined in the H26 cell the UZ direction is fixed