Load Case Code Combinations dialog - Manual Combinations Wizard

This option generates combinations from code combinations. The Combination Wizard considers non-linear cases and combinations.

  1. Click Loads Automatic Combinations.
  2. Click Manual combinations - generate, and then click More.

Load Case Combinations - Stage 1/2

This dialog contains 4 tabs.

Cases tab

The Cases tab shows defined load cases. In addition to linear cases, the list includes non-linear cases, linear and non-linear combinations. A combination nature determines the value of the coefficient used during generation of code combinations.

Active Case Selection
Lists the defined load cases and their natures.
Appropriate coefficients used during the creation of the combination are defined for each load case defined by a selected nature.
Select the cases to include in the code combination.
Note: By default, all cases are selected.
Selects all cases on the list to be used when generating code combinations.
Note: When a case or combination is selected from the list, Edit parameters becomes available.
Clears all cases on the list so that none of them are used when generating code combinations.
Edit parameters
Select a case, and then click this button to open the Parameters dialog which allows you to modify the Label and Coefficient for the case.
Note: By default, the case label is automatically generated according to the case's nature.

Combinations tab

The Combinations tab specifies the types of code combinations to be generated.

Groups tab

The Groups tab defines or displays groups, that is, a set of load cases connected by a logical relationship.

Relations tab

You can define relationships between load cases in individual groups. This is done using logical operators (and, inclusive or, and exclusive or). Their functions are displayed on the Relations tab.

Next >
Runs calculations of the full code combinations based on selected linear, non-linear cases, and combinations, and then displays the results in the Load Case Combinations - Stage 1/2 dialog.

Load Case Combinations - Stage 1/2

Select combinations to be generated
Filters the results by combination type.
Selects all cases on the list to be used when generating code combinations.
Clears all cases on the list so that none of them are used when generating code combinations.
< Back
Goes back to the Load Case Combinations - Stage 1/2 dialog, and deletes the list of suggested code combinations.