The following text presents the list of numbered errors that may appear during structure analysis.
100 |
Improper node number |
101 |
Improper element number |
102 |
Not enough memory |
300 |
Not enough memory while analyzing cable elements |
301 |
Not enough memory while analyzing cable elements |
302 |
Not enough memory while analyzing cable elements |
303 |
Not enough memory while analyzing cable elements |
304 |
Not enough memory while analyzing cable elements |
305 |
Output error while storing results for cable elements |
500 |
Internal error while handling file names |
501 |
Internal error while handling file names |
502 |
Internal error while handling file names |
503 |
Internal error while handling file names |
504 |
Data error, data files corrupted |
505 |
Not enough memory to run the job |
506 |
Data error, no information about load cases |
507 |
Inconsistent data about compatible nodes |
508 |
Internal error while analyzing rigid links |
509 |
Internal error while analyzing rotated nodes |
510 |
Internal error while analyzing rotated nodes |
511 |
Internal error while analyzing elastic supports |
512 |
Internal error while analyzing elastic supports |
513 |
Internal error while analyzing compatibilities |
514 |
Internal error while analyzing elastic compatibilities |
690 |
Internal error while analyzing rigid links |
900 |
Input error while reading temporary results in modal analysis |
901 |
Output error while storing results of modal analysis |
902 |
Negative eigenvalue has been obtained |
903 |
Not enough memory while analyzing concentrated node weights |
904 |
Not enough memory while analyzing concentrated node weights |
905 |
Internal error while analyzing concentrated node weights |
920 |
Input error while reading temporary results during spectral or seismic analysis |
921 |
Output error while storing results of spectral or seismic analysis |
922 |
Input error while reading temporary results during spectral or seismic analysis |
923 |
Output error while storing results of spectral or seismic analysis |
924 |
Internal error during spectral or seismic analysis |
925 |
Output error while storing results of spectral or seismic analysis |
930 |
Error during saving damping and energy results |
940 |
Data error in seismic analysis |
950 |
Not enough memory to load spectrum in spectral analysis |
951 |
Data error in spectral analysis |
960 |
Internal error in transient analysis |
961 |
Data error in transient analysis, invalid configuration file |
962 |
Data error in transient analysis, invalid time step |
970 |
Internal error in transient analysis |
971 |
Data error in transient analysis, formula incorrect |
972 |
Data error in transient analysis |
973 |
Data error in transient analysis |
974 |
Output error while storing results of transient analysis |
980 |
Not enough memory in transient analysis |
981 |
Not enough memory in transient analysis |
982 |
Data error in transient analysis |
983 |
Data error in transient analysis |
984 |
Data error in transient analysis |
985 |
Data error in transient analysis |
986 |
Data error in transient analysis |
1000 |
Not enough memory to run the job |
1001 |
Not enough memory to run the job |
1010 |
Output error while storing results for finite elements |
1011 |
Not enough memory to run the job |
1100 |
Not enough memory to run the job, problem too big |
1101 |
Not enough memory to run the job, problem too big |
1102 |
Not enough memory to run the job, problem too big |
1103 |
Not enough memory to run the job, problem too big |
1104 |
Not enough memory, too many isolated nodes |
1230 |
Input error while reading temporary results for finite elements |
1231 |
Output error while storing temporary results for finite elements |
1310 |
Output error while writing to a scratch file during frontal analysis |
1311 |
I/O error while opening a scratch file during frontal analysis |
1320 |
Input error while reading from a scratch file during frontal analysis |
1321 |
I/O error while opening a scratch file during frontal analysis |
1330 |
Output error while storing a matrix during frontal analysis |
1340 |
Not enough memory during frontal analysis |
1350 |
Internal error while opening a scratch file during frontal analysis |
1360 |
Not enough memory during frontal analysis |
1361 |
Not enough memory during frontal analysis |
1370 |
Internal error in frontal analysis, too big problem |
1400 |
Not enough memory for a matrix buffer |
1401 |
Input error while reading in a matrix |
1410 |
Not enough memory for an eigenproblem buffer |
1420 |
Not enough memory to run the job, reduce problem size |
1421 |
Not enough memory to run the job, reduce problem size |
1422 |
Not enough memory to run the job, reduce problem size |
1430 |
Internal error during eigenproblem analysis |
1431 |
Not enough memory during eigenproblem analysis |
1450 |
Not enough memory during eigenproblem analysis |
1451 |
Output error while storing results of eigenproblem analysis |
1900 |
Internal error in skyline solver, switch to frontal method if possible |
1901 |
Output error while storing a matrix in skyline solver |
1902 |
Output error while storing a matrix in skyline solver |
1903 |
Not enough memory in skyline solver |
1904 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
1905 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
1906 |
Output error while storing a matrix in skyline solver |
1920 |
Not enough memory to run the job |
1921 |
Not enough memory to run the job |
1922 |
Not enough memory to run the job |
1923 |
Not enough memory to run the job |
1930 |
Execution problem while opening a scratch file during skyline analysis |
1940 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
1941 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
1950 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
1951 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
1960 |
Internal error in skyline solver |
2010 |
Not enough memory to run the job |
2011 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
2020 |
Internal error in skyline solver |
2021 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
2030 |
Internal error in skyline solver |
2031 |
Output error while saving matrix on disk |
2040 |
Internal error in skyline solver |
2041 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
2050 |
Input error while reading in a matrix in skyline solver |
2051 |
Not enough memory during eigenproblem analysis |
2052 |
Execution problem during eigenproblem analysis, zero elements on stiffness matrix diagonal |
2053 |
Execution problem during eigenproblem analysis, zero eigenvalue calculated |
2054 |
Execution problem, missing eigenvalue(s) |
2055 |
Not enough memory during eigenproblem analysis |
2070 |
Execution problem during eigenproblem analysis |
2080 |
Internal error during eigenproblem analysis |
2081 |
Not enough memory during eigenproblem analysis |
2082 |
Execution problem during eigenproblem analysis, modelization error |
2083 |
Execution problem during eigenproblem analysis, modelization error |
2084 |
Execution problem during eigenproblem analysis |
2085 |
Execution problem during eigenproblem analysis |
2086 |
Execution problem during eigenproblem analysis |
2095 |
Execution problem during eigenproblem analysis |
2110 |
Data error, linear load without effect (zero segment length) in planar load definition |
2120 |
Data error, data file of load records is corrupted |
2300 |
Internal error while handling element reactions |
2400 |
Not enough memory for a section buffer |
2500 |
Not enough memory for a scratch buffer |
2505 |
Internal error, invalid pointer reference |
2520 |
Output error while storing results on disk |
2521 |
Internal error, invalid pointer reference |
2540 |
I/O error while opening a scratch file during eigenproblem analysis |
2550 |
Internal error while reading from a scratch file during eigenproblem analysis |
2551 |
Input error while reading from a scratch file during eigenproblem analysis |
2560 |
Internal error while writing to a scratch file during eigenproblem analysis |
2561 |
Output error while writing to a scratch file during eigenproblem analysis |
2570 |
Internal error during eigenproblem analysis |
2571 |
Internal error during eigenproblem analysis |
2572 |
Output error while writing to a scratch file during eigenproblem analysis |
2573 |
Input error while reading from a scratch file during eigenproblem analysis |
2580 |
Internal error during eigenproblem analysis |
2590 |
Internal error during eigenproblem analysis |
2650 |
Data error while analyzing unilateral constraints, load at unsupported node |
2701 |
Data error while Modal Decomposition Method |
2702 |
Data error while Modal Decomposition Method |
2703 |
Data error while Modal Decomposition Method |
2704 |
Data error while Modal Decomposition Method |
2800 |
Data error while Lanczos Method |
2801 |
Internal error during Lanczos Method; does not used now (Lanc_Ritz_Ort_Type) |
2802 |
Internal error during Lanczos Method; does not used now (Lanc_Ritz_Ort_Type) |
2803 |
Internal error during Lanczos Method: Number of required Ritz vectors > current Lanczos step |
2804 |
Memory allocation problem during Lanczos method |
2805 |
Error caused by open the files for additional I/O system |
2806 |
Error caused by read/write for additional file system |
2807 |
Error for additional I/O system: the array, connected with Buff, is not allocated |
2808 |
Error caused by i > j for param. Tau_3; |
2809 |
Convergence is not achieved for QR iterations - mode's definition. Possible - lack of positive definition of K |
2810 |
Execution problem caused by divide to zero for back_go. Possible - lack of positive definition of K |
2811 |
Execution problem caused by divide to zero for TR_Transf. Possible - lack of positive definition of K |
2850 |
Allocation error during Basis Reduction Method |
2851 |
Jacobi problem during Basis Reduction Method: possible, incorrect allocation of primary degrees of freedom |
2852 |
Source data error: number of required modes > number of primary degrees of freedom |
2653 |
Basis Reduction Method Error: leak of symmetry of reduced influence & mass matrices. Possible of incorrect allocation of primary degrees of freedom or ill conditioned stiffness matrix due to gross errors in FEM model |
3000 |
Memory allocation error |
3001 |
Open additional output file error =3002, // zero length of current element: ELE_MatrEvaluation returns 0 |
3002 |
Too much aggregation levels - reduction not possible - reduce the number of aggregation levels |
3010 |
Error during Iterative Solver execution |
3011 |
Internal error |
3012 |
Internal error |
3013 |
Error during Iter. Solver Execution: j<i |
3014 |
Open file error during Iter. Solver |
3015 |
I/O error during ITER_SOLV execution |
3016 |
Error during Iter. Solver Execution |
3017 |
This method is not available |
3018 |
Neq_Old != Last Neq during renumeration |
3019 |
Number of blocks nblck > MAX_BLOCKS for Kc |
3020 |
I/O error during coarse matrix operations with file |
3021 |
Compatible node is set at support; temporary it is impossible |
3050 |
Memory allocation error during ITER_Eigen |
3060 |
Runtime error during Jacobi fo ITER_Eigen |
3061 |
Iterative solver: number of required modes > MAX_SIZE_SUBSP_PROB |
3065 |
There is impossible to apply the PCG_Ritz method when nModes = 1 (Should be: nModes >1) |
3070 |
Runtime error during aggregation of coarse level model: primary node occurs as a first node into aggregate |
3080 |
Runtime error during correctness control: any nodes are not contained into any aggregates |
3090 |
The flat stress-strain state elements are not available |
3200 |
Error during open file for I/O system |
3210 |
Block subspace iteration method will be ineffective. Choose the different method |
3220 |
Blocksize error during block subspace iteration method - internal error |
3230 |
Nonpositive defined mass matrix error: (V*M*V) <= 0 |
3240 |
Too many modes: lastvect > NoOfLegalDOF |
3300 |
Open file error |
3301 |
Init class CSparse for sparse direct solver |
3302 |
Number of equation in front is zero |
3303 |
Internal run error during estimation of memory |
3304 |
Internal run error during symbolical factorization |
3305 |
Internal run error during resolution stage |
3305 |
Internal run error during symbolical factorization |
3306 |
I/O error during storage of decomposed part of matrix |
3307 |
Insufficient memory during run |
3308 |
Skipped element during step = 0 |
3309 |
Errors during run |
3310 |
Error during open file for matrix factor |
3311 |
Number of required r.h.s > number of computed r.h.s |
3312 |
Error during init of second matrix |
3313 |
Inadmissible type of solver |
3320 |
Error during initialization of adjacency graph |
3321 |
Unknown reordering method |
3322 |
Error during MDA reordering |
3323 |
Error during multifrontal solver |
3324 |
Too many prev. fronts - multifrontal solver |
3325 |
Create new front error |
3326 |
Aggregate front error |
3327 |
Prepare front error |
3328 |
Set decomposed part error |
3329 |
Error during multifrontal solver - renum. NDM |
5000 |
General page fault (if possible, save the example and send it to technical support) |