Reinforcement Pattern - Shapes tab (RC column)

The Shapes tab allows you to select the shape of longitudinal and transversal reinforcement.


Select RC Design Provided reinforcement layout, and then create a new RC element or open an existing one.

Dialog elements

Longitudinal bars

For longitudinal bars the shape selection can be made with regard to the bar type: main or dowel.

Transversal bars

For transversal bars the following options are available: Stirrup, Open Stirrup, Pin, Shackle, Non-standard stirrup.


Specify the hook length for each bar.

The Hooks, only if necessary option refers to bars ending with hooks. Select it to automatically select a bar end type based on that if the bar anchorage is required. For example, the main bar, no. 2.02 - with hooks on its 2 ends, after generating the beam reinforcement can be replaced with bar no. 1.02 (hook on one end) or with a straight bar.

Increase the base length of hooks
Defines the length of a hook, by specifying its length, or by correlating the hook length with bar diameter.

The Save As option allows you to reuse a set of reinforcement pattern parameters. This set is saved to your current user directory. You can reuse this set for the other element in the Reinforcement Pattern dialog or assign it to the selected element (or selected elements of the same type) in the RC Component Inspector.

The Delete option allows you to remove the selected set of reinforcement pattern parameters.