Number of the Object from the Selection

Returns a number of the element from the list of selected elements.

RSA_SELECTION_ITEM (Object type, Object index)

The RSA_SELECTION_ITEM formula syntax has the following arguments:

Object type

The following types of objects are available:

  • BAR - bars
  • NODE - nodes
  • PANELS - panels
Note: If you type an argument in the formula manually, enclose the text in quotation marks. You can also select or type a cell address (for example A1) which the data will be loaded from.

Object index

The following input methods are available:

  • Number - type an integer
  • Cell address - select or type a cell address (for example A1) which the data will be loaded from


Open the RSA_FORMULAS.rtd and RSA_FORMULAS.xlsx files to get a better understanding of the example below.

Note: The files are located in C:/ProgramData/Autodesk/Examples/Results Connect/RSA.


RSA_SELECTION_ITEM("NODE",H14) - from the list of nodes currently selected in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional it returns a node no. with the index determined in the cell H14

Result (number):

72 (if the nodes 1to12 72 122 124 228to231 have been selected in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional and the number 13 has been typed in the cell H14)