Learn about the tabs, graphic viewer, and tables showing parameters and results.
Composite Beam Design Extension contains the following elements:
- 1. Tabs
- They are split into 2 groups:
Here you can review data and specify settings for model geometry, loads and load combinations.
- Geometry
- Cases and Combinations
- Loads. This tab is available if you select the Internal Engine method for calculating internal forces.
Here you can review results of static calculations from the Robot model, run the design, and display a calculation note.
- Static Calculations
- Extreme results
- Design
- Report
- 2. Graphic viewer
- It displays an analyzed structure or a single beam, or result diagrams, depending on a tab and settings you select.
- 3. Tables with parameters and results
- The contents of tables depends on a tab. The tables let you review and adjust parameters and results for a beam selected in the graphic viewer. Here you can also select results to display on diagrams or specify report settings.