Parallel Fan Powered Box

A parallel fan powered box has a fan that runs only during the heating mode to pull warm return air from the ceiling plenum.

Required Objects

The Parallel Fan Powered Box (PFPB) must have the following properties.
  • It must be attached to an air system.
  • It must be attached to a conditioned zone.

Design Assumptions

The air flow is sized for the sensible peak on a traditional air system, and ventilation for a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) only.

Property Value Notes
Cooling supply air temperature N/A Determined by the air system (typically 12.7778°C).
Heating supply air temperature 40°C

Reheat Coil

The reheat coil has the following assumptions.

Property Value Notes
Coil entering air temperature Varied Determined by the air system (typically between 12.7778°C and 18.3333°C by default).
Coil leaving air temperature 40°C
Hot water design inlet temperature N/A Set by the hot water loop if hot water coil is used in the system.
Hot water design outlet temperature N/A Set by the hot water loop if hot water coil is used in the system.

Supply Fan

The supply fan has the following properties.

Property Value Notes
Pressure Rise 250 Pa
Total Efficiency 70%
Motor Efficiency 94%
Flow Mode Constant