Analysis Display Styles Dialog: Settings Tab

Use the Settings tab of the Analysis Display Styles dialog to configure the visible elements of a style.

The content of the Settings tab varies for each analysis display style.

Colored Surface

Name Description
Show gridlines Displays a grid on the colored surface.
Line Weight The pixel width of the grid lines.
Color The color of the grid lines.
Note: Grids are displayed only for model graphic styles that display edges, such as Hidden Line.

Markers with text

Name Description


The marker shape.
Size (in sheet size units) The size of the marker shape.
Text Labels on Markers

Specifies the frequency of data point labels as follows:

None. Disables labels.

Show All. Displays labels on every data point supplied by analysis.

Show Predefined. Displays labels on data points specified by analysis (default).

Text Type (size, font, color, and background) Font properties for text labels on markers.
Rounding The rounding increment of the displayed value for the marker text.
Rounding Increment Example increment for the Rounding setting.

Diagrams with text

Name Description
Fence Lines

Specifies the placement of fence lines as follows:

None. Diagram outline only.

Show All. Displays fence lines at every data point supplied by analysis.

Show Predefined. Displays fence lines at data points specified by analysis (default).

Line Weight The pixel width of the fence lines.
Color The color of the fence lines.
Text labels on Diagrams

Specifies the frequency of data point labels as follows:

None. Disables labels.

Show All. Displays labels on every data point supplied by analysis.

Show Predefined. Displays labels on data points specified by analysis (default).

Text Type (size, font, color, and background) Font properties for text labels on diagrams.
Rounding The rounding increment of the displayed value for the diagram text.
Rounding Increment Example increment for the Rounding setting.
Fill Transparency Transparency percentage of the diagram. 0% is fully opaque.

Vectors with skins

Name Description
Text labels on Vectors

Specifies the frequency of data point labels as follows:

None. Disables labels.

Show All. Displays labels on every data point supplied by analysis.

Show Predefined. Displays labels on data points specified by analysis (default).

Text Type (size, font, color, and background) Font properties for text labels on vectors.
Rounding The rounding increment of the displayed value for the vector text.
Rounding Increment Example increment for the Rounding setting.
Arrow Line Weight The pixel width of the vector arrow.
Scale Arrowhead The length of the arrowhead in relation to the vector arrow length. Select No Scaling (Default), 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20%.
Relative Position The position of the vector arrow in relation to its source data point. Select either To Data Point or From Data Point.
Vector Orientation The orientation of the vector arrow. Select either Linear or Arc About Vector Axis.

Deformed shape

Name Description
Show gridlines Displays a grid on the deformed surface.
Show contour Displays a contour of the deformed surface.
Line Weight The pixel width of deformation lines.
Color The color of deformation lines.
Text Labels

Specifies the frequency of data point labels as follows:

Show None. Disables labels.

Show All. Displays labels on every data point supplied by analysis.

Show Predefined. Displays labels on data points specified by analysis (default).

Text Type (size, font, color, and background) Font properties for text labels on deformation diagrams.
Rounding The rounding increment of the displayed value for the label text.
Rounding increment Example increment for the Rounding setting.
Fill Transparency Transparency percentage of the surface deformation diagram. 0% is fully opaque.