Saving and Reloading Workshared Projects

When working on a workshared project, save your work often, synchronize with the central model at least daily, and Reload Latest to get updates from other users.

When saving the changes in your local workshared file, you can do either of the following:

When you Synchronize with Central, the changes you made to your local copy are saved to the central model. In addition, any changes made by other team members to the central model since the last Synchronize with Central or Reload Latest are copied to your local model. Any elements you borrowed are relinquished by default when you Synchronize with Central.

Between synchronizations with the central model, you should save changes to the local model frequently. You might want to establish specific times throughout the day when each team member will be synchronizing with central. This practice ensures that team members are not trying to Synchronize with Central at the same time. At the end of the day, you should relinquish the elements you borrowed and the worksets you own.

You save your local model the same way you save a project model that does not use worksharing. By default, you automatically save the changes in your local model when you Synchronize with Central.

You can specify save reminders for saving local models and saving to central.

You cannot use Save As to overwrite a server-based workshared central model, but you can use Save As to overwrite a file-based workshared central model on a file system.