Best Practices: Managing a Team Project

When setting up or managing a team project, consider these recommendations.

Verify Software Build

While there are no known issues with mixed point releases working with worksharing models, many customers install the same Revit build on all computers working on the same models and share worksets. We recommend using the latest Revit build as it includes the latest bug and security fixes.

Specify a Starting View

You can specify the default view that is opened when the central or any local model is opened. Use a simple view where you post project information or notices to share with team members whenever they open the model.

Fix Posted Warnings

Use the Select Link command to identify and fix posted warnings prior to allowing local copies. Click Collaborate tabCoordinate panelCoordination Review drop-downSelect Link.

Use Audit

Periodically open the central model with the Audit option selected and then save the model. If corrupted elements are encountered during the audit, they are deleted if possible and the user is notified.

The Audit function scans, detects, and fixes corrupt elements in the model. It does not provide feedback on which elements are fixed.

Use the Audit function periodically to maintain the health of a Revit model, when preparing to upgrade the software, or as needed to locate and correct issues.

Note: As a best practice, audit the model weekly. If the model is changing rapidly, audit it more often.

In addition to auditing models, you can also use this function to audit families and templates.


Ensure that a sufficient number of backups are being created. At a minimum, you should have at least one backup for each member of your worksharing team in order to increase the likelihood that each team member's data is saved as part of the backups.

Note: Backups are not supported for the server-based worksharing workflow.