Copy/Monitor Parameters for Walls

Before selecting walls to copy for monitoring, specify the following parameter values on the Copy/Monitor Options dialog.

See Specify Options for Copy/Monitor and Copy Elements for Monitoring.

Location line to align

When walls are copied for monitoring, you can select the alignment position for the copied walls. For example, the wall construction of the linked model contains exterior compound walls, but the structural engineer is only interested in the core. In the Copy/Monitor Options dialog, set the new type to be only the core (for example, 8" CMU), and set the Location line to align parameter to Core Centerline or Core Face: Exterior.

Copy windows/doors/openings

Select this option if you want the copied wall to include hosted openings, including openings for inserts (such as doors and windows). The openings created in the copied walls are instance-based wall opening elements. Their size and position are controlled through their instance properties.

In the following example, walls with doors and windows in an architectural model (left) retain the corresponding openings when copied to a structural model (right).