Build Macros in the Revit Macro IDE

Use these steps to build document-level and application-level macros.

  1. Open the project that hosts the document-level macros. If you are only building application level-macros, skip to step 2.
  2. Click Manage tabMacros panel Macro Manager.
  3. Select either the Application tab (for application-level macros) or the tab named by the project (for document-level macros).
  4. Expand the module containing the macros needed to be built.
  5. Select the macros and click Edit.
  6. In the Revit macro IDE, select the macro specific option from the Build drop-down list.

    In this example, notice that you are building a macro named AppCS. The macro application-level C# macro code resides in ThisApplication.cs. You can use the Project Explorer of the IDE to see its location on disk.

  7. Close the Revit macro IDE.
  8. If your code is set up correctly, you should see a Build Succeeded message in the lower-left corner of the Revit macro IDE application window.