Open a Transmitted Model

You can open a non-workshared or workshared model that has been transmitted using eTransmit.

Important: You do not need to have the eTransmit for Autodesk Revit add-in installed to open a transmitted model.

Open a Non-Workshared Model

If you open a non-workshared transmitted Revit model, it opens directly in Revit.

Open a Workshared Model

If you open a transmitted Revit model that is workshared, you are prompted to save the model locally or to Central.

  1. Open the transmitted Revit host model (workshared).

    The Transmitted model dialog displays.

  2. Select one of the following options:
    1. Save this model as a central model in its current location: You will not see this message again, and users will be able to create local models from the central model.
    2. Work with this model temporarily: You will see this message again when you re-open or save the model. Users will not be able to create local models until this model is saved as a central model. Use this option if you want to move the files to a different location before saving as a central model.
    3. Cancel: Closes the dialog and does not open the model. You will see this message again when you re-open the model.