Delete Revisions

Remove a revision and all of the revision's associated clouds and tags from the project.

You cannot delete a revision that has been issued.
  1. Click View tabSheet Composition panel (Sheet Issues/Revisions).
  2. Click the sequence number for the revision you wish to delete. Optionally, press and hold Ctrl, then click to select multiple sequence numbers to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
    Note: If there is a single revision in the project, the Delete button is not available. You must have at least one revision (even if it's the default revision) in a project.
  4. At the confirmation message, click OK. The selected revision(s), along with all associated revision clouds and tags, are deleted from the project. The remaining revisions are re-sequenced accordingly, and in views and sheets, the revision numbers in tags and revision schedules update to reflect the new sequence.
  5. Click OK.