Workflow: Detailing

Document your model by annotating and detailing views to create construction details.

Detailing in Revit is a process to add detail elements to model geometry and create construction details. The basic process to create detail views is outlined as follows:

Create Views

Create section, callout, and drafting views to detail your models and produce construction documents. When detailing, you can use model elements in the view as part of the detail, as a reference for detail elements, or do not use model geometry at all in the detail view.


Learn about detailing views of your model.

About Detailing

Create views of your model for detailing.

Video: Create Views of Your Model

Learn about when to use a drafting view.

About Drafting Views

Create a Drafting View when a detail does not need to reference model geometry.

Create a Drafting View

Create a view reference for a drafting view in your project.

Reference a Drafting View

Use parts and exploded 3D views as an alternative to method of detailing.

Video: Create a 3D Detail

Add Detail Components

Detail components are view specific 2D elements added to a view or used to compose a detail view. Detail elements are typically elements that are too small or numerous to model and are instead represented one time in a detail view. Having a library of typical detail component families can save you time when detailing. Revit provides a sample library of over 500 detail component families. Lines and filled regions are also used when creating detail views of your models.

Detail Components

Learn about the different tools you use when creating detail views.

Detailing Tools

Learn about Detail Component families, 2D families used to create detail views.

About Detail Components

Place a detail component family in your view.

Insert a Detail Component

Use a repeating detail to quickly place multiple detail components in a repeating pattern.

Video: Create a Repeating Detail

Use a line based detail component as an alternative to a repeating detail when you need more control over the layout or need to annotate the component.

Video: Create a Line Based Detail Component

Other Detailing Tools

Draw lines to represent elements in your detail views.

Draw Detail Lines

Use a filled region to apply a pattern across an area of your detail.

Create a Filled Region

Masking regions hide model geometry in the view.

Add a Masking Region to a Project View

Use the insulation tool to add batt insulation.

Work with Insulation

Change the draw order of detail elements in a view to display them as required.

Change the Draw Order of Details

Annotate Details

Use the annotation tools to annotate your details with dimensions and notes. The keynoting system provides a way to pre-populate detail component families with annotation information. Keynotes make annotating detail views fast and consistent.


Add leaders and notes to your detail.

Add a Text Note

Use Keynotes to quickly add annotation to your details.

About Keynotes

See how keynotes are placed into a detail view for consistent documentation.

Video: Place and Edit Element Keynotes

Customize a keynote file to meet your standards and provide a consistent source of annotation text.

Video: Edit a Keynote Text File

Reuse Details

Save typical details out to files used as a library. Views from typical detail libraries are transferred into your project to save time. Use Legacy CAD details in drafting views so this previous work can be leveraged in Revit workflows.

Detail Library

Save a detail view for use in other projects.

Save a 2D View to a Detailing Library

When a detail view uses model elements save both the model elements and detail elements to an external project.

Save a View to an External Project

Place detail elements from a detail library into your current project.

Insert Detail Components from a Saved Detail View

Drafting views can be transferred from one project to another.

Insert a Drafting View from Another Project

Set up an RVT file(s) as a library for typical detail views.

Video: Use RVT File as a Library

Use legacy CAD details in your projects.

Import a Drafting View from Another CAD Program