Create a Custom Elevation Tag

Use Family Editor tools to build elevation tags to fit your organization's needs.

  1. Click File tab NewFamily.
  2. In the New Family - Select Template File dialog, navigate to the Annotations folder, and open Elevation Mark Body.rft.
  3. Click Modify tabProperties panel (Family Category and Parameters).
  4. For Family Category, select Elevation Marks.
  5. Under Family Parameters, for Elevation Mark Use, select Body.
  6. Draw the tag body, and place label(s).
  7. Save the family as <elevation tag>.rfa.
  8. Repeat steps 2-4, open Elevation Mark Pointer.rft, set Pointer for Elevation Mark Use, draw the pointer, and save the family as <pointer>.rfa.

    Ensure the pointer arrow you create points up as shown here. You can rotate it later in the process, if necessary.

  9. From any tab, on the Family Editor panel, click (Load into Project), and load the <pointer>.rfa into the <elevation tag>.rfa.

    Now the pointer family is nested into the body family. Place instances of the pointer family until all directions that you wish to be available in the project are displayed.

Loading the Custom Elevation Tag into a Project

  1. Click Insert tabFamily editor panel (Load into Project) to load the <elevation tag>.rfa into a project.
  2. In the project, click Manage tabSettings panelAdditional Settings drop-down (Elevation Tags).
  3. Duplicate a type, and set the Type Parameter Elevation Mark to use the new elevation tag you loaded previously.
  4. Click View tabCreate panelElevation drop-down (Elevation).
  5. Click Modify | Elevation tabProperties panel (Type Properties).
  6. Duplicate the active type.
  7. Set the Elevation Tag type parameter to the new type, and click OK.
  8. Place an elevation view in the project.
  9. Double-click the pointer to open the elevation view or select the elevation body to enable other arrows that exist in the family.

    Selected elevation tag in project