gbXML Element

This element specifies the default attributes for the entire gbXML document.

Supported attributes

Attribute Value Description
temperatureUnit F or C Specifies the default temperature unit wherever the temperatureUnit simple type is used. The value is F when the Project Units for Length is Feet and Fractional Inches and C when the Project Units for Length is Meters.
lengthUnit Feet or Meters Specifies the default unit for length. The value is Feet when the Project Units for Length is Feet and Fractional Inches and Meters when the Project Units for Length is Meters.
areaUnit SquareFeet or SquareMeters Specifies the default unit for area.
volumeUnit CubicFeet or CubicMeters Specifies the default unit for volume.
useSIUnitsForResults false or true Specifies if the results should be given in imperial or metric units--false for imperial and true for metric.
xmlns Declares the default namespace.
version “0.37” Version number of the gbXML schema this file uses.

Supported children

For MEP systems
Element Description
Campus See Campus Element.
LightingSystem See LightingSystem Element.
Construction See Construction Element.
Layer See Layer Element.
Material See Material Element.
WindowType See Window Type Element.
Schedule See Schedule Element.
WeekSchedule See WeekSchedule Element.
DaySchedule See DaySchedule Element.
Zone See Zone Element.
DocumentHistory See DocumentHistory Element.
For architecture
Element Description
Campus See Campus Element.
DocumentHistory See DocumentHistory Element.


- </gbXML>








+ <Campus id="cmps-1">

+ <Construction id=”con-w10”>

+ <Layer id=”lay-266”>

+ <Material id=mat-266”>

+ <Schedule id="schdl-Common_Office” >

+ <WeekSchedule id="wk-schdl-Common_Office"

+ <DaySchedule id="dy-schdl-Common_Office"

+ <Zone id="zone-A">

+ <DocumentHistory>
