Find and Replace Text in a Detail Group

Use the Find/Replace tool to search the text in detail groups in the current selection, the current view, or the entire project, and replace it with new text.

  1. Select a detail group in the drawing area.
  2. Click Modify | Detail Groups tabGroup panel (Edit Group).
  3. Click Annotate tabText panel (Find/Replace).
  4. In the Find/Replace dialog, for Find, enter the text you want to replace.
  5. For Replace with, enter the new text.
  6. Under Scope, select the appropriate fields.
  7. Click Find All.

    A list of all terms found displays.

  8. Click Find Next to highlight each row in the results list.
  9. Click Replace to replace the highlighted result text, or Replace All to replace all instances.
  10. Click Close, and then click (Finish).