After using
Revit to create an energy analytical model, you can export the model to gbXML and use other software to perform further analysis.
- Open a 3D view of the model.
- Create an energy analytical model.
- Click File tab Export(gbXML).
- In the Create Analytical Spaces dialog, select the elements/mode you want to use to create the analytical spaces.
- Use building elements: Creates analytical spaces and surfaces from building elements.
- Use rooms/spaces elements: Creates analytical spaces and surfaces from room/space volumes.
- Use conceptual masses and building elements: Creates analytical spaces and surfaces from conceptual masses and building elements.
- In the Export gbXML - Save to Target Folder dialog, navigate to the desired location for the exported file, specify a file name, and click Save.
Revit exports the energy analytical model to a gbXML file in the specified location.