About Digital Cartoon Sets

Some architects use a cartoon set to plan the document requirements for a project. A cartoon set is a rough plan for the sheets that you want to include in the construction document set, and the drawings, schedules, or other information to show on each sheet.

By creating a cartoon set, you can ensure that the final construction document set includes all desired information. You can also use this method to ensure that the construction document set meets standards established by your organization.

With Revit, you can create a digital cartoon set. First add the required views (drawings and schedules) to the project, and sketch the basic design of the building model. Add the desired sheets to the project, and give them appropriate names and numbers. Then add the views to the appropriate sheets. If desired, you can set the view scales, titles, and other attributes now, so the resulting sheets use the desired settings.

Even though these views and sheets do not yet show the completed design, they provide an overall structure for the project. As you develop the building model in the project views, the schedules update accordingly, and the sheets display the desired information. This technique streamlines the project documentation process.

When you create a digital cartoon set that reflects corporate standards or a typical project setup, you can use the project to create a project template.

Planning sheets with a digital cartoon set