Video: Swap Views on a Sheet

Swap a view placed on a sheet for another un-placed view in your model.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Delete a view from a sheet.
  2. Duplicate a sheet with views.
  3. swap one view for another view.


When you create a set of sheets and views, you may need to make changes, add or remove sheets, change how views are placed on a sheet. Views placed on a sheet can be swapped for any other un-placed views in your model.

For example, in this model , both the Level 1 plan and Level 2 plan are placed on one sheet. You decided the drawing set will work better if each plan is placed on its own sheet. To do this, first delete the Level 2 plan from the sheet. The plans sheet is duplicated with views. Views can't be placed on more than one sheet, so the Level 1 plan is duplicated along with the sheet.

Now we can swap the duplicated Level 1 view on the new sheet for the Level 2 view. Select the view. On the contextual tab, specify the positioning of the swapped view. You can select Viewport Center or View Origin. When you select View Origin, the plan views will align from sheet to sheet.

Use the view selection drop down to select the view to swap. If a view has been placed on a sheet already, the view number and the sheet are listed at the end of the view name. When the list is long, consider using the search bar to help find a specific view. The Level 2 floor plan is selected, and the current view is swapped for the selected view.

The sheet is renamed, and the view level 1 copy is deleted from the model.

Swapping views on sheets makes it easier to create sheets or make changes to sheets already created in your model.