Known Issues for Batch Print

When using this version of Batch Print for Autodesk Revit, you may encounter the following known issues.

Batch Print does not print to Adobe PDF or Autodesk DWF Writer

Symptom: When the current default printer is a virtual printer, such as Adobe PDF or Autodesk DWF ™ Writer, Batch Print either will not print or will only print one page only.

Issue: Batch Print is currently not designed to handle virtual printers.

Work-around: Verify the physical printer is set as the system default printer before using Batch Print.

Batch Print will not start a print job

Symptom: Batch Print will not start a print job. It displays the following warning: "The default template file specified in the 'File Locations' section of the Settings-Options dialog does not exist."

Issue: To start a print job, Batch Print must launch another instance of the Revit application. That instance will create a new document based on the default template file. If the template file does not exist or cannot be opened for any reason, Revit displays a warning. When you dismiss the warning, the application starts with no document open. However, without a document open, Batch Print cannot continue.

Work-around: Make sure that the Revit application can start with the currently assigned default template file. To change the default template file, click the applications menu > Options button. On the File Locations tab, specify the default template file to use.

Batch Print will stop while the print settings are incompatible

Symptom: When the print settings saved in document are incompatible to the default printer, Batch Print will not start a print job and displays the following: "Print setting saved in Revit project is incompatible with default printer; please refer to help document for solution."

Issue: When the print settings saved in document are incompatible to the default printer, the <in-session> print settings will be used and Batch Print stops.

Work-around: Verify print settings saved in document are compatible to the default printer before using Batch Print.

Batch Print will stop while upgrading document

Symptom: If an issue occurs when Revit opens and a document is being upgraded, Batch Print will not start a print job. You will also see the message: "Background Revit could not open file without the user input. Please upgrade and save the file and try again."

Issue: Batch Print runs Revit in the background to both open and print a Revit project. If Revit encounters an error when opening an rvt project and requires user input, Batch Print will stop processing.

Work-around: Open and save the project. Verify that the saved project can be opened without any errors before using Batch Print.