Create a Material Takeoff Schedule with Images

This example demonstrates how to create a wall material takeoff schedule with images, but you can use the same procedure to create a material takeoff for other element types.

  1. Draw walls in the model.
  2. Click Manage tabManage Project panel (Manage Images).
  3. Click Add to add the related wall rendering to the model.
  4. Click Manage tabSettings panel (Project Parameters).
  5. Add an Instance project parameter:
    1. Name: Rendering Image
    2. Type of Parameter: Image
    3. Group parameter under: Graphics
    4. Categories: select Materials
  6. Select a wall instance, and click (Edit Type).
  7. In the Type Properties dialog, for Structure, click Edit.
  8. Select Structure, click the Material field, and click the browse button.
  9. In the Material Browser dialog, click (Custom Parameters) in the bottom-left corner of the dialog.
  10. In the Material Parameters dialog, associate the wall material with the material rendering image, by assigning the image to the Rendering Image project parameter.
  11. Create a Wall Material Takeoff schedule and include the field Material: Rendering Image.
  12. Create a sheet view, and place the Wall Material takeoff schedule on the sheet. The Wall Material Takeoff schedule viewport displays with the images on the sheet.