Work with Saved Print Settings

You can save print settings in a project for later reuse.

For example, you may create one print setup for code review, and create another print setup designed for consultants' pages. The print setups are saved with the project, so they can be used across multiple sessions.

Tip: You can transfer print setups to another project using Transfer Project Standards. Click Manage tabSettings panel (Transfer Project Standards), and in the Select Items To Copy dialog, select Print Settings.

You can also change saved print settings, revert changes, and rename or delete print settings.

To access the Print Setup dialog, click File tab Print (Print Setup).

To save print settings

  1. In the Print Setup dialog, specify print options.
  2. To save the print settings to a new name, click Save As.
  3. Enter a name for the print settings, and click OK.
  4. Click OK.

To change a saved print setting

  1. In the Print Setup dialog, for Name, select a saved print setting.
  2. Make the desired print setting changes.
  3. Click Save.
    Note: If you click OK before clicking Save, your changes are not saved to the selected print setting. The first time you click OK, however, you are prompted to save your changes to the modified print setting. If you click No, the changed settings are applied to the in-session print setting. Any future changes you make without saving are also applied to the in-session setting. These changes are lost when you exit the Revit session.

To revert print settings

  1. In the Print Setup dialog, for Name, select a saved print setting.
  2. Click Revert.

    The settings revert back to their original saved state or in-session state.

To rename print settings

  1. In the Print Setup dialog, for Name, select a saved print setting.
  2. Click Rename.
  3. Enter a new name for the settings, and click OK.

To delete print settings

  1. In the Print Setup dialog, for Name, select a saved print setting.
  2. Click Delete.