Create a Title Sheet

A construction documentation set usually includes a title sheet, also called a cover sheet.

A title sheet typically includes a rendering, 3D drawing, or other view of the building model. It may also include the following types of information:

Because it includes different types of information than other sheets in the set, the title sheet typically uses a different format. You may need to create a title block specifically designed for the title sheet. See Title Blocks.


Structural Example

To create a title sheet

  1. Add a sheet to the project, using the appropriate title block.
  2. Rename the sheet to indicate that it is the title sheet.
  3. Add the desired view to the sheet.
  4. Create a sheet list, omit the title sheet from the list, and add the sheet list to the sheet.
  5. Add the required information to the title sheet.

    The title block for the title sheet typically includes fields where you enter information about the project. Click the text areas to enter text.