Export Part of a 2D View

Copy the view and use a crop region to show the desired portion of a 2D view. Then export the view to the appropriate format.

  1. Create a duplicate view:
    1. In the Project Browser, right-click the view to export, and click Duplicate ViewDuplicate or Duplicate with Detailing.

      The Duplicate tool copies the view. The Duplicate with Detailing tool copies the view and includes view-specific elements, such as detail components and dimensions.

      The duplicate view displays in the drawing area. In the Project Browser, the duplicate view is named <View Name> Copy 1.

    2. Rename the duplicate view: in the Project Browser, right-click the duplicate view, and click Rename. Enter a new name, and click OK.
  2. Add a crop region:
    1. On the View Control Bar, click (Show Crop Region).

      In the drawing area, the crop region appears as a box around the view.

    2. To crop the view to show the desired portion, click the crop region box, and drag the handles.

      You may need to zoom out to see the borders and handles of the crop region box.

  3. Export the 2D view defined by the crop box:
    • Click File tab Export, and select an export option. See Export.