Video: Add a Color Scheme to a View

Add a color scheme to a plan or a section view based on parameters of rooms in the model.

The color scheme helps you visualize parameter values of elements in the model. Colors are assigned by parameter value.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Apply a color scheme to a view.
  2. Create a color scheme based on a parameter.
  3. Add a legend to the view where the color scheme is applied.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2019. When using a newer software release, you may notice differences in functionality and user interface.


Color schemes are added to plan and section views to help you understand relationships in your model. Color schemes will apply color and fill patterns to rooms, areas, spaces, zones, pipes, and ducts. A color scheme uses parameters from these elements to apply the color and fill based on the parameter values.

For example, a common use of a color scheme might be to color this floor plan using the room name so we can see how the rooms are related to one another. On the Properties palette, click Color Scheme.

In the Edit Color Scheme dialog, first select the category of element to use for the color scheme, in this case, rooms. Then choose the Name scheme. In the Scheme Definition portion of the dialog, the names of rooms in the model are populated and colors are assigned. Make changes to the color or the fill pattern if required. Click Apply to see the color scheme in the view.

Create additional color schemes to display other parameter values graphically. For example, if you wanted to display the floor finish for each room with a color scheme, click Duplicate to create a new scheme and assign it a name. Change the title of the scheme definition, and then change the color to use the Floor Finish parameter. Click OK in the Colors Not Preserved dialog. Click OK to exit the Color Scheme dialog and apply the Floor Finish color scheme to the view.

Once a color scheme is applied to a view, add a color fill legend to identify what colors correspond to which values in the view. On the Annotate tab, click Color Fill Legend. Click in the canvas to place the color fill legend in the view. The color swatches identify each color used in the color scheme applied to the view. Type properties of the color fill legend can be altered to change the appearance of the legend.

Use color schemes in plan and section views to graphically communicate your designs.