Create Sequential Tags for Doors or Windows

As you place doors and windows in a project, you can use tags that sequentially number the elements. The tags automatically number based on the Mark parameter for doors and windows. Values can be alphabetical, numerical, or alphanumeric sequences.

  1. Place a door or window.
  2. Click Modify, and then select the element.
  3. Specify a Mark value:

    • For doors: On the Properties palette, enter a value for the Mark tag.
    • For windows: On the Properties Palette, change the tag from Type Mark to Mark. Enter a value for the Mark tag.
  4. Place more instances of the element as desired.

All subsequent instances are numbered sequentially.

Note: All doors and windows number sequentially regardless of type. For example, you place a French door and then a single-flush door into a plan view. The French door is number 1; the single-flush door is number 2.