You started a
Generative Design study, but no outcomes display in the Explore Outcomes dialog.
After you start a study, the process to generate outcomes can take some time, depending on the number of outcomes or generations to be created. The study is complete when the Explore Outcomes dialog displays a green checkmark next to the study name.
The study does not complete
If the Explore Outcomes dialog does not indicate any progress or show any outcomes as they develop, something may be interfering with the proper operation of
Generative Design.
An antivirus setting or a firewall can interfere with the ability of
Generative Design to communicate with its server. To see if this is the cause of the problem, do the following:
After confirming the cause, use the following work-around:
- Unblock ports 5000 through 5050.
- Restart the study, and confirm that outcomes are being generated.
Why this works: The RestDynamoCore processes start on free ports beginning at port 5000. Unblocking those ports allow the processes to run successfully.
The study completes but shows no outcomes
When the study shows no outcomes after displaying a green checkmark, try the following:
- In the Explore Outcomes dialog:
- Select a study that indicates that at least one generation is complete. This information is displayed in the left pane under the study name.
- For a scatter plot make sure that the X and Y axes (as well as color and size) are set to the desired settings, and that they make sense for your study.
- For the
Dynamo author:
- If you're using
Dynamo for Revit, see if the graph returns results when it's run in the
Dynamo Sandbox, for example, using the Data.Remember node.
- If your outputs are correctly configured in the
Dynamo graph but are not listed in the
Generative Design in Revit user interface, you may be using lists that are not yet supported by
Generative Design. To work around this issue, morph the list data into a scalar value by using the List.Flatten node or a Code Block node (for example, "x=l[0]" in a Code Block node).
The study completes, but no geometry was found
After the study is complete, a "No geometry found" message may display in these situations:
- The
Dynamo graph for the study doesn't produce geometry, for example, it only returns numerical data.
- Something went wrong when the
Dynamo graph was executed, preventing it from producing geometry and output data. This could happen if the study is configured incorrectly, for example, invalid input geometry was selected.
If the graph is expected to produce geometry, rerun the graph in
Dynamo and
address any errors.