Add an Area Tag

Area tags display the total area within an area boundary. When you place an area tag, you can assign a unique name to the area.

Before you can add area tags, you must add areas to the area plan. See Creating an Area. If you do not use the Tag on placement option when creating areas, you can use the following procedure to add area tags later.

Note: As an alternative, use the Tag All Not Tagged tool to tag untagged areas. See Tag all not tagged.

To add an area tag

  1. Open an area plan view.
  2. Click Architecture tabRoom & Area panelTag Area drop-down (Tag Area).
  3. On the Options Bar, do the following:
    • Indicate the desired orientation of the area tag.
    • To include a leader line with the area tag, select Leader.
  4. Click in an area to place the tag.
    Note: If areas overlap where you click to place a tag, then only one area is tagged. If an area in the current model and an area in the linked model overlap, then the area in the current model is tagged.