Edit a Group Externally

After editing a group externally, you can load or reload it into a project or family.

To load (or reload) the group into a project or family

  1. In the Project Browser, right-click the group name, and click Edit.
  2. Click Yes to confirm that you want to edit the group externally.

    The group opens as a project file (RVT) if you are in the project environment, or opens as a family file (RFA) if you are in the Family Editor.

  3. Make the necessary changes, and save the file.
  4. On the ribbon, click (Load as Group into Open Projects).
    • Architecture tabModel panelModel Group drop-down (Load as Group into Open Projects)
    • Structure tabModel panelModel Group drop-down (Load as Group into Open Projects)
  5. In the Load into Projects dialog, select the projects (or families) to load the group into.
    Note: In order for project or family files to appear in this list, they must be open.
  6. Select Attached Details to load detail elements as attached detail groups.
  7. Select levels to load levels into the group.
  8. Select grids to load grids into the group.
  9. Click OK.

    The group is loaded into the project (or family), and the group file remains open.