Add a Point for Shape Editing

You can use the Add Point tool to add singular points to the element geometry. The points are used by the shape modification tools to change the element geometry.

  1. Select the element to modify.
  2. Click Modify | <Element> tabShape Editing panelAdd Point.
  3. On the Add Point panel, select a method and a reference to add a points.
    • Along Surface - Points are added in relation to the surface. Value displayed near the cursor reports the elevation of the surface based on the Elevation Base setting. Points will be added using the Offset from Surface value.
    • Absolute - Points are added based on the Elevation Value. Value displayed near the cursor reports the elevation of the surface based on the Elevation Base setting.
  4. Click on the face or edges of the element to add points. See Modify the Shape of an Element to change the elevation of the point after it is placed.