Add Images and PDF Files to Views

You can import images and PDF files using the Image tool or by dragging and dropping them from Windows® Explorer. You can place images and PDF files into 2D views only.

Video: Use Images

Video: Place PDF Files in Views

To add an image to a view

  1. Open the model view in which you want to place the image.
  2. Click Insert tabImport panel (Import Image).
  3. In the Import Image dialog, navigate to the folder containing the image file to import.
  4. Select the file, and click Open.

    The imported image displays in the drawing area and moves with the cursor. The image displays symbolically, with 2 crossing lines indicating the extents of the image.

  5. Click to place the image.

    Alternatively, you may drag an image from your local drive into a model view.

  6. If needed, scale, rotate, mirror, or resize the image.

By default, images are imported behind the model and annotation symbols; however, you can change the display order.

To add a PDF file to a view

  1. If the PDF file is password-protected, remove the password from the PDF file before you import it. You can't import a password-protected PDF file.
  2. Open the model view in which you want to place the PDF file.
  3. Click Insert tabImport panel (Import PDF).
  4. In the Import Image dialog, navigate to the folder containing the PDF file to import.
  5. Select the file, and click Open. If there are multiple pages, select the page with a thumbnail or by number.

    The imported PDF file displays in the drawing area and moves with the cursor. The image displays symbolically, with 2 crossing lines indicating the extents of the image.

  6. Click to place the image.
  7. If needed, scale, rotate, mirror or resize the image.

To add multiple instances of a PDF file to a view

  1. Open the model view in which you want to place an additional instance of a PDF file.
  2. Click Insert tabImport panel(Manage Links).
  3. In the Manage Links dialog, select the PDF file in the list.
  4. Click the Place Instance button.
  5. Click to place the PDF file in the view.
  6. If needed, scale, rotate, mirror or resize the image.
  7. Repeat steps 1-5 to place additional instances of the PDF file in the model.