Sketch a Rectangle

Select the position for 2 diagonal corners to sketch a rectangle.

  1. Select a tool that allows for a rectangle.

    For example, click Annotate tabDetail panel (Detail Line).

  2. Click Modify | Place Lines tab (or respective Modify | Place <Element> tab or Modify | Create <Element> tab)Draw panel (Rectangle).
  3. On the Options Bar:
    1. Optionally, for Offset, specify a value.
    2. Optionally, select Radius and specify a value.

      Specifying a radius creates fillets at the corners of the rectangle.

      The following image shows a rectangle sketched without Radius selected and a rectangle sketched with Radius selected.

      Note: If you specify a radius, the Offset option is overridden.
  4. Click in the drawing area to specify the first corner of the rectangle.
  5. Move the cursor and click to specify the diagonal corner of the rectangle.
  6. Optional: Use temporary dimensions to specify the size of the rectangle.