About the Structural Usage of Beams

The Structural Usage property of a beam is typically automatically assigned based on the structural elements that support the beam. However, structural usage can be changed before or after the beam is placed.

The following table lists the default automatic Structural Usage setting for beams, based on which elements are being connected:
- C B HB G J P O
Wall G O HB G J P O
Column G O HB G J P O
Brace   O O O O O O
Horizontal Brace     HB HB HB HB O
Girder       J J P O
Joist         P P O
Purlin           P O
Other             O
Key. HB: Horizontal Bracing; G: Girder; J: Joist; P: Purlin; and O: Other.
Beams and their structural properties also have the following characteristics: