Brace Type Properties

Modify brace type properties to change dimension, identity data, and more.

To change type properties, select an element and click Modify tabProperties panel (Type Properties). Changes to type properties apply to all instances in the project.

Name Description
Section Shape Specifies the structural section shape family category of the element. The section shape creates additional dimensions and parameters for the element.

The following is a comprehensive list of all Section Shapes dimension parameters. Elements will not contain every dimension parameter, only those appropriate to their shape. See Section Shape Dimension Parameters.

b The width of the section shape of the element. This parameter is for concrete elements only.
h The height of the section shape of the element. This parameter is for concrete elements only.
Bolt Diameter The maximum diameter of a bolt hole.
Bolt Diameter Longer Flange The maximum diameter of the bolt hole in the longer flange of an l-angle.
Bolt Diameter Shorter Flange The maximum diameter of the bolt hole in the shorter flange of an l-angle.
Bolt Spacing The standard distance between the bolt holes in the flange on either side of the web.
Bolt Spacing 1 Longer Flange The distance from the external side of the shorter flange to the first row of bolts on the longer flange of an l-angle.
Bolt Spacing 2 Longer Flange The distance from the external side of the shorter flange to the second row of bolts on the longer flange of an l-angle.
Bolt Spacing Between Rows The distance between rows of bolt holes in a flange on one side of the web.
Bolt Spacing Shorter flange The distance from the external side of the longer flange to the row of bolts on the shorter flange of an l-angle.
Bolt Spacing Two Rows The distance between two bolt holes in a flange on either side of the web.
Bolt Spacing Web The distance from the exterior edge side of the flange to a single bolt hole in the web of a structural tee.
Bottom Flange Length The distance between the interior surface of the section shape and the end of the bottom flange segment.
Clear Web Height The detailing depth between the web toes of the fillets.
Flange Toe of Fillet The detailing distance from the center of the web to the flange toe of the fillet.
Wall Design Thickness The perpendicular design thickness between the inner and outer surface of a section shape.
Web Toe of Fillet The distance between the outer edge of the flange and the web toe of the fillet.
Top Cut Width The width of the cut at the top of a rectangle-cut section shape.
Top Cut Height The height of the cut at the top of a rectangle-cut section shape.
Bottom Cut Width The width of the cut at the bottom of a rectangle-cut section shape.
Bottom Cut Height The height of the cut at the bottom of a rectangle-cut section shape.
Structural Analysis
Section Area The area of the cross section (A or S). Unit: Length^2.
Perimeter The painting surface of the unit length (U). Unit: Length 2 /Length.
Nominal Weight The unit weight (not mass) per unit length, for self-weight calculation or quantity survey (W or G). Unit: Force/Length.
Moment of Inertia strong axis The moment of inertia about the main strong axis (I). Unit: Length 4 .
Moment of Inertia weak axis The moment of inertia about the main weak axis (I). Unit: Length 4 .
Elastic Modulus strong axis The elastic section modulus about the main strong axis for calculation of bending stresses (S or Wel). Unit: Length 3 .
Elastic Modulus weak axis The elastic section modulus about the main weak axis for calculation of bending stresses (S or Wel). Unit: Length 3 .
Plastic Modulus strong axis The plastic section modulus in bending about the main strong axis (Z or Wpl). Unit: Length 3 .
Plastic Modulus weak axis The plastic section modulus in bending about the main weak axis (Z or Wpl). Unit: Length 3 .
Torsional Moment of Inertia The torsional moment of inertia to calculate torsional deformation (J, I T , or K). Unit: Length 4 .
Torsional Modulus The section modulus for calculations of torsion stresses (Ct). Unit: Length 3 .
Warping Constant The warping constant of the element (C w , I omega , H). Unit: Length 6 .
Shear Area strong axis The reduced extreme shear stress coefficient in the direction of the strong axis (Wq). Unit: Length 2 .
Shear Area weak axis The reduced extreme shear stress coefficient in the direction of the weak axis (Wq). Unit: Length 2 .
Principle Axes Angle The rotational angle between the principle axes and cross section reference planes.
Structural Section Geometry
Width The external diameter of the section shape.
Height The external height of the section shape.
Diameter The external diameter of the round section shape.
Flange Thickness The distance between the exterior surfaces of the flange in the section shape.
Flange Thickness Location The distance from the end of the sloped flange to the place where the thickness of the flange is measured.
Web Thickness The distance between the exterior surfaces of the web in the section shape.
Web Thickness Location The distance from the end of the sloped web to the place where the thickness of the web is measured.
Web Height The distance along the web between the flanges in the section shape.
Flange Fillet The radius of the fillet at the end of a flange in the section shape.
Web Fillet The radius of the fillet between the web and flange.
Centroid Horizontal The distance from the centroid of the section shape to the left extremities along horizontal axis.
Centroid Vertical The distance from the centroid of the section shape to the lower extremities along vertical axis.
Top Web Fillet The radius of the fillet at the top of the web.
Sloped Flange Angle The angle between the sloped flange plane and the horizontal plane.
Sloped Web Angle The angle between the sloped web plane and the vertical plane.
Wall Nominal Thickness The average perpendicular distance between the inner and outer surface of the section shape.
Inner Fillet The radius of the inner corner fillet of a bend in the structural section shape.
Outer Fillet The radius of the outer corner fillet of a bend in a structural section shape.
Top Flange Thickness The distance between the exterior surfaces of the flange in the section shape.
Top Flange Width The external width of the top flange in the section shape of a castellated or welded element.
Bottom Flange Thickness The distance between the exterior surfaces of the bottom flange in the section shape of a castellated or welded element.
Bottom Flange Width The external width of the bottom flange in the section shape of a castellated or welded element.
Cantilever Length The length of the cantilever flange in the section shape.
Cantilever Height The height of the cantilever flange in the section shape.
Lip Length The distance between the exterior surface of the section shape and the end of the lip segment.
Fold Length The distance between the exterior surface of the lip segment and the end of fold segment.
Bend Width The distance between the left extremities of the section shape to the exterior surface of the middle bend segment.
Middle Bend Length he length of the interior surface of the middle bend segment.
Top Bend Length The distance between the exterior surface of the top of the section shape and the end of the top bend segment.
Identity Data  
Assembly Code Uniformat assembly code selected from a hierarchical list.
Type Image Displays a user-defined image file that represents the element. See About Managing Images.
Keynote Add or edit the element keynote. Click the value box to open the Keynote dialog. For more information, see Keynotes.
Model Manufacturer internal number.
Manufacturer The shape manufacturer.
Type Comments A field for entering general comments about the shape type. This information can be included in a schedule.
URL Specifies a link to a web page that may contain type-specific information.
Description User can enter a description of the element here.
Fire Rating The fire rating of the element.
Cost The pricing of the element.
Section Name Key Displays standardized names for element types, such as shape designations.
Assembly Description Description of the assembly based on the assembly code selection, a read-only parameter.
Type Mark A value that designates the particular element; possibly the shop mark. This value must be unique for each element in a project. Revit warns you if the number is already used but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. For more information, see Review Warning Messages.
OmniClass Number The number from Table 23 of the OmniClass Construction Classification System that best categorizes the family type.
OmniClass Title The name from Table 23 of the OmniClass Construction Classification System that best categorizes the family type.
Code Name Displays standardized codes for the element, such as those for shape databases.