Create a Non-Linear Curtain Wall

To create a non-rectangular curtain wall, sketch a straight curtain wall and then edit its elevation profile, or join a straight curtain wall to any roof.

  1. Open a floor plan view or a 3D view.
  2. Click (Wall: Architectural).

    Where is it?

    • Architecture tabBuild panelWall drop-down (Wall: Architectural)
    • Structure tabStructure panelWall drop-down (Wall: Architectural)
  3. Select a Curtain Wall type from the Type Selector drop-down.
  4. Create the wall, using one of the following methods:
    • Draw the wall: By default, Line is active. (If it is not active, click Modify | Place Wall tabDraw panel (Line), or select another draw tool.) See Sketching.

      As you draw a wall, you can quickly set its length by entering a value on the keyboard, taking advantage of the listening dimension feature. See Use listening dimensions.

      If you want to flip the orientation of the wall about its location line, press the Spacebar as you draw the wall. This works for all wall drawing tools, such as rectangles, circles, and 3-point arcs.

    • Note: You cannot flip the wall orientation while drawing a wall from an ellipse or partial ellipse.
    • Pick Lines (): Select existing lines. Lines can be model lines or edges of elements, such as roofs, curtain panels, and other walls.
  5. Select the wall, and edit its elevation profile or join it to a roof.
  6. Add curtain grids and mullions, as desired.