Edit Complex Wall Joins

The Wall Joins tool is not recommended for editing wall joins that involve more than 4 walls or span multiple floors. For these more complex joins, use the following basic procedure to edit individual walls as needed.
Note: Complex wall joins can have many possible configurations. You may have to step through hundreds of them to find the desired one.
  1. Select one of the joined walls, and use its Drag Wall End control to move it out of the join.
  2. Drag the wall end back to a different location within the join.
    Tip: Use snap points, snap lines, and the feedback on the status bar to help pinpoint the new location.
  3. If the automatically created join does not produce the desired configuration, you can disallow joins for the joined end of the selected wall, move it again, and then re-create the join using the Join Geometry tool.
  4. Repeat the previous 3 steps as needed for the selected wall and others in the join.